2010...what a year it has been! As we approach 2011, I am in awe of all the wonderful gifts God has given us this past year. Some of the gifts were not wrapped in the prettiest of paper (more like hospital gowns), but in the end, we are so grateful! I am happy to report that as we ring in the new year, Kris' hip is feeling much better (he even started back at the gym last week!!), Elyse's has had no signs of recurrence of her lymph node infection, and, as you know, Kieran's kidney reflux is a thing of the past! Praise God!
I've decided to invite a guest writer for this final blog of the year. As I was looking through some old notebooks, I came across a devotional that Kris had written a few years ago for our church's Christmas devotional book. I thought it was very appropriate as we wind down the holiday season and gear up for the new year
Be still and know that I am God. Psalm 46:10
As the father of a two year old, I wish I knew what it meant to be still and know that He is God. Actually, there are times that I wish my two year old knew what it meant to be still! I find it difficult to "be still". This is probably one of the Biblical concepts that I struggle with the most. Our culture encourages instant messaging, 24 hour shopping, and news around the clock. It is hard to find time just to be still.
During this time of the year, it is very easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of the holidays. From the busyness of shopping for gifts to getting together with family and friends, this is a busy time of year. Don't get me wrong, all these things are great, but I wish I could learn what it means to "be still".
I am reminded of Mary. She had quite a lot of busyness in her life. She had been visited by an angel who told her that she was going to give birth to the son of God. Then shepherds came and told her about more angels that had appeared to them. That was a lot of activity! All of the people who heard about it were amazed. It was exciting! But the scriptures tell us that "Mary treasured all of these things and pondered them in her heart." Here is someone who could have easily gotten caught up in the excitement of her life, but instead she took it all in and pondered upon those things in her heart. I think that if I were to figure out how to "be still" it might look something like that. So, the next time your life starts to get to busy, "Be Still".
God bless and happy 2011!
Friday, December 31, 2010
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Mommy, I'm all better!
Those were the magical words that I heard today from my son! As many of you know, both Kieran and Elyse were born with something called vesticoureteral reflux or kidney reflux (for us non medical people). Kieran was diagnosed when he was a year and half after having a UTI. Every year they have to be tested to see if the reflux has improved or gotten worse. For 2 years in a row, Kieran's "level" decreased and we had high hopes that he would grow out of it (some children do). Unfortunately, at our last check-up, Kieran's level had gone up and the reflux was now present on both sides. After meeting with a pediatric urologist, we decided to try a procedure which involved putting implants on both sides of his bladder to try to correct the reflux. The other options was surgery which we wanted to avoid if possible. In October, Kieran had the outpatient procedure. The doctor told us we had to wait 2 months to find out if the procedure was a success.
Today was that two month appointment so Kieran had to go to the hospital to have another VCUG (which is not a pleasant procedure...especially for a little one). Kris took him this time and I went to a friend's house to pray and keep my mind occupied. At 2:30, Kieran called me and told me that he was all better and the doctor said he was fine. The tests showed that his reflux was gone, his kidneys were fine, and we never have to go back to that doctor again! Of course, I broke down in tears. I think Kieran was a little confused by my response. He'll understand one day!
Today was that two month appointment so Kieran had to go to the hospital to have another VCUG (which is not a pleasant procedure...especially for a little one). Kris took him this time and I went to a friend's house to pray and keep my mind occupied. At 2:30, Kieran called me and told me that he was all better and the doctor said he was fine. The tests showed that his reflux was gone, his kidneys were fine, and we never have to go back to that doctor again! Of course, I broke down in tears. I think Kieran was a little confused by my response. He'll understand one day!