Sunday, October 30, 2011

The Unwelcomed Day Off

Matthew 6:25 "Therefore I tell you, do not be anxious about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink, nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing?" (33-34) "But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.  Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble."  (ESV)

Have you ever had one of those days when things just don't go as planned?  Today was suppose to be our first chance to venture out, find a church, and learn about worship in a different culture.  Instead, I woke up feeling worse than I had when I went to bed.  By early afternoon, I was running a fever.  This was most definitely not on my to-do list!  Even when things don't go as we planned, God has a way of teaching us a lesson.  We decided that Kris would go check out a small Spanish Baptist church and I would stay home with the kids.  Elyse kept asking why were weren't going to church, so we decided it would be fun to have church at the house.  
Toler Praise and Worship Team
Kieran and Elyse quickly volunteered to lead the singing.  We are borrowing a keyboard so I can help lead worship in a couple of weeks, so Kieran decided to play keyboard and Elyse lead the singing.  We sang "Jesus Loves Me", "Jesus Love the Little Children", "My God is so Big", and "Oh the Deep, Deep Love of Jesus."  I decided I would teach on one of the parables found in Matthew but instead I opened right up to the verses on worrying.  My Bible probably falls open to that verse naturally since I've read it so many times.  Kieran inherited my gift of worrying so I though this would be a good set of verses to discuss. 
Some flowers outside our place in Mitla

A beautiful poinsettia not worrying at all!
After church, Kieran and Elyse drew pictures of birds and flower.  "Do not worry" is such a simple lesson yet so hard to live on a day to day basis.  When I woke up from my nap this afternoon running a fever, I immediately started worrying about missing class tomorrow and not being able to move in with our host family.  I quickly stopped myself and meditated on these verses.  Nothing surprises Him and nothing is outside His control (not even a nasty bug or virus). 

Now it is time to take my medicine, say a prayer, go to bed and trust that God will take care of the details.  "Our God is so BIG, so STRONG, and so MIGHTY, there's nothing my God cannot do (for you)!"  Buenos Noches! 


  1. A) I will pray that you wake up well tomorrow B) thanks for the reminder on the worrying verse C) kieran is looking SO big in that last picture! Miss you and love you guys!

  2. Oh how precious it is to see our kids loving God! I know your proud mama heart loved hearing them sing praises to God. Praying you will feel better soon! Thank you for allowing us to follow you on your journey with God.

    In His Calm,
