Monday, October 8, 2012

The Big Picture

The easiest birthday cake I've ever made!
I'm a detail person.  I like making lists and trying to keep everything in order.  Kris, on the other hand, is a big picture kind of guy.  Details are not so important to him.  He often laughs at my list (in a nice, supportive way, of course).  I think that is why our marriage works for us.  I make sure the details get put in and he makes sure the details don't overwhelm me!  Did you know that our God is both a God of details and a God of the big picture?  He knows the numbers of hairs on our head and yet he created this universe.  When we can't seem to get our little details under control, He is always in control.  Even when tragedy strikes and OUR "big picture" is blown out of the water, HIS big picture is intact.  I have been in awe these past few months as I watch God's hand in our lives.  There is no detail that has gone unnoticed by Him.  I seriously don't know why I worry so much. 

Earlier this week, it was Kieran's birthday.  In my mind, I was thinking about the party that Kieran wasn't going to have with all his friends from back home.  He has really missed those friendships.  But guess what?  God knew.  My details were a part of HIS big picture.  The day before Kieran's birthday, we went to pick him up from school and this precious little boy Carlo stuck his head out of the classroom window and said (in Spanish), "Hey, are you bringing something to school tomorrow for Kieran's birthday party?"  Kris and I just looked at each other with blank expressions.  We hadn't really thought about bringing something to school.  Kieran's teacher is pretty strict and we really didn't think that was an option.  I looked at Kris and said, "maybe we should ask."  So, Kris asked Kieran's teacher who sent us to the school director for permission. After all the proper approvals, Kieran's teacher said, "Great.  I'll tell all the parents not to send lunch tomorrow."  Lunch??  What??  I was thinking some cupcakes or a little snack.  Oh no, parties are serious events here.  So, thanks to the advise of another mother, we decided to bring hotdogs, chips, apple slices, drinks, and ice cream.

Kieran's new friends at school
Kieran's Class
The day of Kieran's birthday, we showed up at school with all the fixings.  Kieran was beaming!  All his classmates had made him cards and many of them brought presents.  The class sang their version of "Happy Birthday" and then the teacher marched him around the room so they could all throw confetti on his head.  Everyone ate and laughed.  One kid said, "This is the best party!"  At one point, Kieran called me over to his desk and said, "Mommy, I love this school because all the kids are so nice!"  Wow, what a break through!  School has been such a challenge this year for Kieran (being new and all in Spanish that is) and everyday was a chore to get him to want to go.  Kieran made a connection with his class and teacher on his birthday that probably wouldn't have happened if little Carlo had not put his head out the window that day. 

Enjoying his birthday lunch at school

While I was sitting around worrying about the details, God was putting together the pieces.  While I was trying to fix the problem, God was turning my problem into His solution.  Thank you, God, for loving our children and for knowing the big picture for their lives.  What a mighty God we serve!

Kieran and his teacher

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