Monday, June 10, 2013

Making Memories Monday - Going to the Library

I can't remember exactly how old he was, but I think Kieran was 4 years old when he got his first library card.  When we lived in South Carolina we loved going to the Irmo Library to check out books and videos, enjoy story time and dance with music and motion.  When we moved to Texas, getting a card at the Dallas library was at the top of the to-do list.  Not only was there a multistory library downtown, but our church also had a wonderful library that we enjoyed visiting almost every Sunday after church.  We are still able to check-out e-books from the church library which has been a huge blessing to us.

Books, glorious books!  Our Kids' Library in Mitla, Oaxaca
Fast forward to our move to Mexico...books are very heavy (those of you who helped us pack up know this fact too well) and many of our favorites did not make the cut with our our luggage weight limits.  It was a sad day.  However, we learned during our orientation that there was a children's library at our branch center near Oaxaca.  Our kids were so excited!  The library is one room filled with many treasures.  Our first visit was like taking kids to a candy shop.   We left that day with a HUGE stack of books.  We tried to establish the rule that we could only check out as many books as we return...but that rarely works out.  Thankfully, there isn't a 2 week return policy and no late fee...well, maybe there is if the book is gone for a year or so! 

Our stack of library card!  We've checked out a few books, don't you think?
This library has been an especially big blessing with Kieran's homeschool.  We've found lots of books that are related to American history.  They try to stock books that are connected with popular homeschool curriculum since many families in our organization homeschool their kids.

Kieran loves checking-out books!
 As with any volunteer-based program, our special kids' library has some needs.  Some of the books in this library are so well loved that they are beginning to fall apart.  Others are becoming outdated with new countries being born and technology changing.  If you are interested in helping us by donating some books or funds to purchase new books and DVDs, please let me know.

Well loved!
We love making memories in our new library and pray it will continue to be a blessing to more generations of kids serving with their parents here in Mexico.

“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go.”
― Dr. Seuss, I Can Read With My Eyes Shut!

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